Saturday, July 31, 2010

So I now have purple hair.
Last week I got a little wild and crazy and decided to add a purple layer to the bottom of my hair. My friends Julie and Hannah did it, and they are awesome. The scariest part was when we had to wash it out so many times. I was at Hannah's house, and hanging over the bathtub was not getting the job done. I had to get into her shower and take a full shower to get the dye out of my hair.

I love it so much. It is kinda fading to a magenta color, which couldn't make me happier. I like when it peaks through over my shoulder. To make things even better, My Mema likes it. She literally said "Oh Heather I love that" hahahah. I love that lady :)

My maybe next time I will go for this look! I wish I could. That would be so much fun. The unfortunate thing is the inevitable fading that will happen. I bet her hair started out green and purple. Either way, I'm jealous of Lil Miss Gothic Rainbow Bright.

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