Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blame It on the...

I would like to excuse my last post. After reading that this morning it hit me, I really had posted a blog post at a party. After reading it, I realized 2 things...

1. It was more like a facebook status update, rather than a blog posting.
2. How could I ever say bad things about Cotton Candy Vodka! It's like a crazy carnival. Shame on me.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. If for any reason you assumed I didn't drink, or didn't drink enough to get drunk. I hate to inform you, I definitely do those things. I'm 21 years old... liquor stores are amazing places to me right now. I think that's part of the glory in being my current age. It's the time when you are allowed to get away with doing things that won't be conceived as funny when you are a REAL adult.

I no way am I an alcoholic. I have none of those tendencies, and I WILL NOT drive if I am too under the weather. So be in peace with reading those words.

Alcohol to me is entertainment. Something interesting always happens. Whether it be good, bad, or ugly. You can get to know shy people, and laughter is never to far away. Needless to say we have all had our fair share of the really bad nights where everything (I mean everything) goes wrong. I appreciate the strength of alcohol and the power it has over your body after a certain point. Just like anything though, I also fear what happens when you have had too many shots on your birthday.

friend or foe... who knows. I just like it.

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