Friday, July 30, 2010

hazy daze

Today I have been in a daze. I have been yawning and daydreaming about literally nothing all day. I don't know why. I slept plenty enough, and I'm not exactly worried about anything... hmmm...

That's what my brain looks like...

Maybe I am a little bit tired, and maybe I have been out late a little too much this week. Maybe I miss the normalcy of my boyfriend being here. Maybe I miss the normalcy of having my life in one place and just visiting Tulsa. Living and working in 2 different states/cities/apt/houses/jobs... is wearing on me for the current second. Well I don't really have any other options at this point.

I'm thinking a nice Friday night in will set me back on track.
I just want JF to come back so I can put that stress out of my life... Until he has to leave again. I'm feeling a little heartbroken, and like a single person in a relationship. September come fast.

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