Monday, July 12, 2010

mi familia es muy bien

When thinking about life one thing that has always been there for me was my family.

No matter how bad or how good it has ever been we have always been there. After dealing with several issues today regarding a family it makes me proud to know that I love mine regardless of how many terrible things that have happened.

It makes me want to strive to find the perfect man to marry so I will be happy and have something to work for, for the rest of my life. Nothing will ever be worth it if you don't have to work for it. If I have the right person the first time I could save a lot of headaches in the end. I'll try my hardest.

I think moving closer to Tulsa is going to be a great thing for me.
I'm glad I went out on my own little adventure and learned alot of thinks. Shut-off notices come if you forget to pay your bills, and I'm currently the light turn off nazi of Joplin, MO.

learning something new everyday,

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