Monday, July 19, 2010


I've recently taken on the project of transforming myself before my life changes again.

I look in the mirror sometimes and notice I'm getting older, and that I'm not taking care of myself. Anyone that reads this is now thinking in their mind, "this chick is crazy if she can see herself aging"... But the thing is I CAN. My face looks different than it used too because it is more full. I definitely do not take the time I need to, to take care of myself before bed or in the morning.

SOOOO...... I'm going to work on a positive change for myself.

1.) I'm going to get my eyebrows waxed this afternoon. :)

2.) I'm going to start sleeping more. No matter how many times I think I can't live without knowing what happens on nip/tuck's next episode, I will survive the few hour hiatus from it. And not too mention there is 6 seasons available for viewing on

3.)OK... the stuff that is growing on my legs... has to go. I used to have perfect legs. They were muscular and the right size... Well they are still the same size and have good shape but they are not muscular and the cellulite curse from my family has taken OVER. So... I'm getting rid of that crap. It's gotta go.

4.) Tan... ok so I'm not going to go to a tanning bed. But I am going to make a point to not be the crypt keeper and spend more time in the sun. It is good for you in more ways then one, and as much as I may try I will never be as white as Edward and will NEVER sparkle :(

5.) I have to figure out my acne situation. I'm 21. Dear Lord when does it stop? Something needs to be done.

6.) I'm gonna stop crying just because JF is gone. I am not going to die. IT REALLY SUCKS, but I will in fact live.

7.) I'm going to start wearing my bangs a little shorter. They look good like that.

.... Sushi tonight with my friends :) I can not wait!....

Tomorrow day off!

Wedding this weekend, and one week closer to School starting!


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