Saturday, July 31, 2010

So I now have purple hair.
Last week I got a little wild and crazy and decided to add a purple layer to the bottom of my hair. My friends Julie and Hannah did it, and they are awesome. The scariest part was when we had to wash it out so many times. I was at Hannah's house, and hanging over the bathtub was not getting the job done. I had to get into her shower and take a full shower to get the dye out of my hair.

I love it so much. It is kinda fading to a magenta color, which couldn't make me happier. I like when it peaks through over my shoulder. To make things even better, My Mema likes it. She literally said "Oh Heather I love that" hahahah. I love that lady :)

My maybe next time I will go for this look! I wish I could. That would be so much fun. The unfortunate thing is the inevitable fading that will happen. I bet her hair started out green and purple. Either way, I'm jealous of Lil Miss Gothic Rainbow Bright.

Friday, July 30, 2010

hazy daze

Today I have been in a daze. I have been yawning and daydreaming about literally nothing all day. I don't know why. I slept plenty enough, and I'm not exactly worried about anything... hmmm...

That's what my brain looks like...

Maybe I am a little bit tired, and maybe I have been out late a little too much this week. Maybe I miss the normalcy of my boyfriend being here. Maybe I miss the normalcy of having my life in one place and just visiting Tulsa. Living and working in 2 different states/cities/apt/houses/jobs... is wearing on me for the current second. Well I don't really have any other options at this point.

I'm thinking a nice Friday night in will set me back on track.
I just want JF to come back so I can put that stress out of my life... Until he has to leave again. I'm feeling a little heartbroken, and like a single person in a relationship. September come fast.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Tonight is the birthday of a very dear person in my life. My cousin Wayne is turning 21! I am so happy for him, and the fact we can now hang out in better locations. I am also so proud of him. With the things he has been through in his life, he should just be happy is alive. I love him to death! HAPPPYYY BIRTHHDAAYYYY CUZZZZZZZZZ!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blame It on the...

I would like to excuse my last post. After reading that this morning it hit me, I really had posted a blog post at a party. After reading it, I realized 2 things...

1. It was more like a facebook status update, rather than a blog posting.
2. How could I ever say bad things about Cotton Candy Vodka! It's like a crazy carnival. Shame on me.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. If for any reason you assumed I didn't drink, or didn't drink enough to get drunk. I hate to inform you, I definitely do those things. I'm 21 years old... liquor stores are amazing places to me right now. I think that's part of the glory in being my current age. It's the time when you are allowed to get away with doing things that won't be conceived as funny when you are a REAL adult.

I no way am I an alcoholic. I have none of those tendencies, and I WILL NOT drive if I am too under the weather. So be in peace with reading those words.

Alcohol to me is entertainment. Something interesting always happens. Whether it be good, bad, or ugly. You can get to know shy people, and laughter is never to far away. Needless to say we have all had our fair share of the really bad nights where everything (I mean everything) goes wrong. I appreciate the strength of alcohol and the power it has over your body after a certain point. Just like anything though, I also fear what happens when you have had too many shots on your birthday.

friend or foe... who knows. I just like it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

where I don't wanna be,,,

I'm at a party with people I don't like... This is one of the times in my life I question everyone and everything.
Thank you Cotton Candy Vodka. NOT REALLY.

I wish my boyfriend would call.

Friday, July 23, 2010


It's such a precious thing to behold. A human without anything hugely wrong when birthed is still a complete miracle. While inside a woman, and being made with all the different chromosomes, cells, and everything else that goes along with it, If you are even born, you are a miracle in itself. There are so many tiny little things that could go sooo wrong.
It's something we take for granted. We fret about the small things and we stress our selves to the point of no return.

Yesterday in my neighborhood, a teenage boy was playing Russian roulette with another friend and ended up shooting himself in the head. He is on machines currently at the hospital and he is unresponsive.
years old.
He was friends with my brother and my cousin, and I can't even imagine losing my boys to something like that. His parents must be going through hell right now trying to make sense of the accident/bad judgement/un-supervision. This makes me afraid to become a parent, because after your children leave your arms there is only so much you can do to shelter them from harm.

I hope somehow DeeJay can pull through the accident and lead a somewhat normal life, but I just don't know if that is possible. May God be with the family of DeeJay Burns.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Transformer II

Since my last blog about this subject matter, I have made some good positive changes.

...I have been trying to take care of my face, and it is fighting me, so that one is still in the making... but...

... I did get my brows waxed, and I'm about to cut some more off of my bangs to get the look I want.

... I have worked out slowly but surely every day since that post, and it feels good at least to try.

... As for the "tan" part, well I have spent more time outside that's for sure. Whether I get a tan or not, it is still good to be out side more often.

... Crying because JF is gone... One way to solve that is to come home and enjoy spending time with my family. I definitely do not feel alone here. I could easily wake my mom up if I needed anyone. And not to mention he has moved home to Montreal for the time being to be with his family, so he is more available to talk. I really enjoy that.

So tired... goooodnight <3

Monday, July 19, 2010


I've recently taken on the project of transforming myself before my life changes again.

I look in the mirror sometimes and notice I'm getting older, and that I'm not taking care of myself. Anyone that reads this is now thinking in their mind, "this chick is crazy if she can see herself aging"... But the thing is I CAN. My face looks different than it used too because it is more full. I definitely do not take the time I need to, to take care of myself before bed or in the morning.

SOOOO...... I'm going to work on a positive change for myself.

1.) I'm going to get my eyebrows waxed this afternoon. :)

2.) I'm going to start sleeping more. No matter how many times I think I can't live without knowing what happens on nip/tuck's next episode, I will survive the few hour hiatus from it. And not too mention there is 6 seasons available for viewing on

3.)OK... the stuff that is growing on my legs... has to go. I used to have perfect legs. They were muscular and the right size... Well they are still the same size and have good shape but they are not muscular and the cellulite curse from my family has taken OVER. So... I'm getting rid of that crap. It's gotta go.

4.) Tan... ok so I'm not going to go to a tanning bed. But I am going to make a point to not be the crypt keeper and spend more time in the sun. It is good for you in more ways then one, and as much as I may try I will never be as white as Edward and will NEVER sparkle :(

5.) I have to figure out my acne situation. I'm 21. Dear Lord when does it stop? Something needs to be done.

6.) I'm gonna stop crying just because JF is gone. I am not going to die. IT REALLY SUCKS, but I will in fact live.

7.) I'm going to start wearing my bangs a little shorter. They look good like that.

.... Sushi tonight with my friends :) I can not wait!....

Tomorrow day off!

Wedding this weekend, and one week closer to School starting!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Creativity II

I started out with 4 frames and a house full of crap. After examining the frames to determine what to do to which ones, I noticed something wrong with one of them, so I'm taking it back. (I'm my mothers child. It was 2 dollars. I do not care, I want a good frame.) OK.... So... Down to the 3 frames. One of them is being painted currently and needs several layers of white paint. The other 2 are finished. I don't know how I came up with the ideas for the 2 of them, but I sure did, and here they are...

The black frame is covered in vintage gold jewelry I found in a thrift store last summer. They were all pieces in a plastic bag for a few dollars! The colorful frame has feathers (from high school when we used them to imitate "kill the cardinals" haha), buttons, a necklace, and a pendant from a hair piece I never wear.

Sweeeeet :)

I wish I could do this as well forever. Too bad decorating frames is not a good profession... dang the luck.

Tonight has been a productive evening though. I'm very happy I stayed home on a Saturday night to do something useful. Not only did it save me money, it kinda made me money... I'm finding uses for the awesome things that just sit around my house! Now they are more than just stuff. They are creations.

Saturday Creativity

Today's blog has been an all day thinking event. I could not for the life of me think of what to put or say. I have really been enjoying reading business blogs for companies that specialize in things such as art, event planning, designing and fashion.

If I could combine all of those elements into a job... with PR work in there. THAT WOULD BE MY GOLDEN JOB.

I can feel my creative energies flowing. I want to go home (my masterful studio) and work on some stuff. I bought some cheap picture frames from dollar general and I want to decorate them! I have some pretty good inspiration for what I want to do. I'll post pictures when I finish them! I'm thinking lots of buttons, ribbon, and paint!

Have a great Saturday!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Show? Gone? NOOO!!!

Tonight is the final episode of The Hills.
I have watched this show Since the beginning series before it was The Hills, and now it is going to be nothing. That is saying alot from someone who doesnt even have cable. I've watched it on my laptop for years.

This is a sad day for me. It would be like Mema losing her soap operas. It would be like ALL MY CHIDREN closing it's doors forever. I'm horribly sad losing my girls of Hollywood. There is a silver lining though. The alternate show The City is still going to be airing next season, and almost all of The Hills girls have twitters :) haha.

Guess I'll have to find something else to focus my sometimes TV watching skills toward.

Monday, July 12, 2010

mi familia es muy bien

When thinking about life one thing that has always been there for me was my family.

No matter how bad or how good it has ever been we have always been there. After dealing with several issues today regarding a family it makes me proud to know that I love mine regardless of how many terrible things that have happened.

It makes me want to strive to find the perfect man to marry so I will be happy and have something to work for, for the rest of my life. Nothing will ever be worth it if you don't have to work for it. If I have the right person the first time I could save a lot of headaches in the end. I'll try my hardest.

I think moving closer to Tulsa is going to be a great thing for me.
I'm glad I went out on my own little adventure and learned alot of thinks. Shut-off notices come if you forget to pay your bills, and I'm currently the light turn off nazi of Joplin, MO.

learning something new everyday,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

starting point


Recently while working and learning more about what I want to do with my life, I have discovered Public Relations, Marketting, and Social Media are right up my alley. One thing that has become a recent trend in all of those things are blogs. I personally love blogs. I read them quite often, and find them very useful and appealing.

In knowing all of that I have decided to start my own blog. It isn't going to be promoting anything, just a lace for my thoughts and a way to keep me practiced for my future career and I think I personally will enjoy it quite a bit.

So... follow me through my adventure called life.

Hear some of my wacky thoughts...

Laugh a little...

and dear goodness... most of all...

love yourself. <3
