Saturday, September 4, 2010

mean people suck

I just had someone call me at work and he was so mean with what he said it literally made me cry.

He was so mean he made me cry.

I have never in my life cried on a customer call. I have gotten mad, and yelled at them (never bad) but I have never cried. He was so unbelievably mean. What makes people think that they can do that? Nothing about the way the world works actually says that is ok.

I wish I could just look at it as "F that guy he sucks", but I actually feel sorry for him. I think I am going to say a prayer for him and hope his day or life... whatever it is that fails him to get better. No one should be that completely unhappy to someone they don't know.

I want to go to my happy place... It looks like this.
Yup I wanna go there right now.

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