Friday, September 17, 2010

"Hey la Hey la... my boyfriends back"

Alot has changed since I last wrote.
I cannot wait to see his silly self :)

I am so beyond happy to have my love back into the country. He is also very excited as well. He has missed his life here, and he is also ready to start living by himself again because he has been in his parents house for almost 4 months. After living alone and away, and then being put back in your parents house.

I feel his pain. It is such a difficult think to deal with. You have your freedom and your life the way you want it with your rules, and you move home and they tear down your little piece of sanity with claws and fiery "words of wisdom"... yeah it's awful. I sometimes think I would be happier outside in a tent doing my own thing if we didn't have a driveway monitor and my parents could hear a loud beep every time I came or went.

I recently watched a movie that was really eye-opening, and life changing at the same time. The Duchess- a movie about a lady born into a time where she couldn't change the way things were just because she was a woman. She was pushed into a quiet role... but... She was as loud as she could be and did more than most woman of her time because she was a Duchess. She was forced into a situation where her husband had a mistress that lived with them, and the man she loved and secretly bore a child from was pushed away from her. Not to mention he was a major hottie.

From watching this movie I realized something. I'm never going to put myself in the position to where any man can corner me into doing what he wants to do versus what I know is right for myself. I hope my husband is ready for a fireball, because I will never be unhappy in my life for no reason. Life is too short, and I have seen my parents both so unhappy for no reason. They could have fixed it but they didn't, so I will not be in that position.

I put a picture of her on the background of my computer to always remind myself.... live your life, love who you love, and never waste your time because there will never be enough.

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