Saturday, September 18, 2010

finishing a book

Today I finished a book.

It's such a funny thing that happens when you finish it. You close it. look at it for a second, think about it.... and then set it down to lay there and not be read for awhile.

You get this tiny epiphany about everything in the book, and it all comes full circle and it always gives me this satisfied feeling. I absolutely love this feeling. It's the reason why people read.

I love buying books, I love reading my books, I love finishing my books.

Books make me happy and most generally... never let me down... So why do I spend time watching TV. What a mindless activity. Reading makes me feel so much better, and I still choose TV.

I don't think I want a TV in my new apt. I have one... I'm taking it to JF's apartment in Miami. He can have all of it. I don't want nor need a TV.

1 comment:

  1. I feel EXACTLY the same way! Stupid TV. I feel inspired to read a book now :)
