Saturday, August 7, 2010

So life is still a little stressful, but It's getting closer to being over...

Someone at RSU put me as an out of state student. I have been jumping through hoops finding my legal documents and making copies. The school is asking for proof of residency! Are you serious? I was only gone for 11 months. I am very much an Oklahoma citizen. RSU... go screw yourself. Seriously.

I have been working alot which is nice. But also tiring. The hours are awkward so you have to try to sleep when you can. The money though... the money keeps me going. It is going to make life so much easier if I keep this up for awhile and then I get my financial aid. I won't have to work for awhile and I can focus on my school work.

18 hours is something I haven't attempted since my Fall semester in 2007. That was my hardest, but most rewarding semester of college. Oh and not to mention. It was my first semester of college.

I'm just ready to go back to school. Get back in a routine. I think it will be great to pile on the classes and get busy.

I have 4 days and then "Back to School" for me.

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