Sunday, August 22, 2010

and the beat goes on...

I have been neglecting my blog so bad lately. I have been beyond busy trying to keep it all together. School, Work, Moving... everything.

So... update:

  1. I don't live in Joplin any longer......All of my things are out of my apartment, its been cleaned, and my keys are turned in. I don't really have anything else to say about that. I wasn't prepared to move that quickly and my shit is all over my Dad's garage, but what can you do?

  2. School has started........I'm getting used to it. I have already had my breakdown about it, and gotten over it. Now its just maintaining. It is going to be a long semester. 18 hours are going to kick my butt, but at least I'm willing and able to strive for the gain I will have after the semester is over. Also I get to start working out now which makes me happy :)

  3. I'm working over 30 hours a week...... This is the kinda but not really hard part. I sit there. I have time to do my homework. But it's the fact that I have to be there to do it, and the actual days I work (weekends). But, the money is ballin and so worth it. A 700 dollar paycheck is so worth it.

  4. They found the guy who hit and ran....The police officer caught him and now we are trying to work towards getting the money. He was 16. I felt so bad for him, but I have paid for my mistakes in the past and now he should too. I just hope justice will be completely served.

  5. Dad's hand is healing .....He only has 2 more weeks left in the cast, then he can get a brace. After the brace for 2 weeks, and then he can do what he wants as long as he is smart about it. He is getting antsy I hope it is sooner rather than later.

That's basically what I am doing these days. I am staying at home, doing homework, going to work, and just missing JF like crazy. The good news is however, he starts his tourney that is the deciding factor on his return to Oklahoma on Wednesday. That is our 6 month anniversary. So in celebration, I'm thinking about going to CollegeFest in Stilly. I think it would be a blast and I would love to see my friends :)

Things are looking up. I feel very hopeful for the first time in awhile.

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