Sunday, August 29, 2010

feeling witchy...

Sooo its getting that time of year where my mind reverts straight to halloween and football.

So Halloween wise, I'm thinking def some seriously awesome costumes this year. Since JF will back I am thinking to do some type of couples costume. Mary-Jane and Spiderman, Mario and Princess Peach, Harry Potter and Ginny are just a few of the ideas I have had :) I also want to have a big Halloween party at my new place once it is built! I think it would be the perfect place to do something like that! Out in the garage area would be great, then have a bonfire, and plenty of music and lawn chairs!


OU football is the best time of the year! I can't wait to sit down and just watch some games. That will be complete and utter happiness for me! I would really like to get to Norman at some point to go to this amazing OU store called Rhinestones and Rubies. It is basically the most amazing place you have ever seen. It has all these amazing OU gift items such as frames and jewelry. I basically need to go there pronto! That is a picture of the inside of their OSU store. I didnt see much that I liked, BOOMER!

At least life is getting a little easier on the school side of things. I really am trying to get used to living in Claremore, but it is still kinda hard on me. I keep ending up having mountains of homework.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

and the beat goes on...

I have been neglecting my blog so bad lately. I have been beyond busy trying to keep it all together. School, Work, Moving... everything.

So... update:

  1. I don't live in Joplin any longer......All of my things are out of my apartment, its been cleaned, and my keys are turned in. I don't really have anything else to say about that. I wasn't prepared to move that quickly and my shit is all over my Dad's garage, but what can you do?

  2. School has started........I'm getting used to it. I have already had my breakdown about it, and gotten over it. Now its just maintaining. It is going to be a long semester. 18 hours are going to kick my butt, but at least I'm willing and able to strive for the gain I will have after the semester is over. Also I get to start working out now which makes me happy :)

  3. I'm working over 30 hours a week...... This is the kinda but not really hard part. I sit there. I have time to do my homework. But it's the fact that I have to be there to do it, and the actual days I work (weekends). But, the money is ballin and so worth it. A 700 dollar paycheck is so worth it.

  4. They found the guy who hit and ran....The police officer caught him and now we are trying to work towards getting the money. He was 16. I felt so bad for him, but I have paid for my mistakes in the past and now he should too. I just hope justice will be completely served.

  5. Dad's hand is healing .....He only has 2 more weeks left in the cast, then he can get a brace. After the brace for 2 weeks, and then he can do what he wants as long as he is smart about it. He is getting antsy I hope it is sooner rather than later.

That's basically what I am doing these days. I am staying at home, doing homework, going to work, and just missing JF like crazy. The good news is however, he starts his tourney that is the deciding factor on his return to Oklahoma on Wednesday. That is our 6 month anniversary. So in celebration, I'm thinking about going to CollegeFest in Stilly. I think it would be a blast and I would love to see my friends :)

Things are looking up. I feel very hopeful for the first time in awhile.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's a changin world out there!

well... I start school in 40 hours.
My last year of college.
I'm kind of in shock. I never thought school would end when I was a senior in high school just a few short years ago.

This little little girl...................turned into this little girl.....................Turned in to this woman.

It is hard to be a woman. Sometimes I question if I am or not. It is something you must do with pride and unwavering faith. You have to know deep down inside you can do the unthinkable and achieve the things you don't want to. I can drive tractors, I can write poetry, I can load a dishwasher better than anyone. I sing, I dance, I laugh, I even give my parents advice sometimes. I'm trying as hard as I can to be the person I am supposed to be.

My constant stress is almost over. One more day in Joplin.
My apartment is half packed up and half in shambles. That's how I pack though. I have to sort and separate and throw away everything I don't want. It is nice knowing I only have the things I want (or can't get rid of).

I'm so ready for some change.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

So life is still a little stressful, but It's getting closer to being over...

Someone at RSU put me as an out of state student. I have been jumping through hoops finding my legal documents and making copies. The school is asking for proof of residency! Are you serious? I was only gone for 11 months. I am very much an Oklahoma citizen. RSU... go screw yourself. Seriously.

I have been working alot which is nice. But also tiring. The hours are awkward so you have to try to sleep when you can. The money though... the money keeps me going. It is going to make life so much easier if I keep this up for awhile and then I get my financial aid. I won't have to work for awhile and I can focus on my school work.

18 hours is something I haven't attempted since my Fall semester in 2007. That was my hardest, but most rewarding semester of college. Oh and not to mention. It was my first semester of college.

I'm just ready to go back to school. Get back in a routine. I think it will be great to pile on the classes and get busy.

I have 4 days and then "Back to School" for me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Having a rough couple of days.
It's like my interior person is 2 people. There is the compassion of my Mother on one side and the strength of my Father on the other. With that comes soft-heart and forgiveness from my Mother, and bridge-burning and middle fingers straight from my Dad.

I have things that are getting to the point of acceptance or disagreement. It's hard deciding if you are or are not going to be someones friend after the crap they have put you through. You remember the great times and the happy moments, but lurking in the back is the crap. It's the same about my time here in Joplin. Am I happy, sad, or indifferent about leaving?

I know what I do and do not want in my life. I'm just having a hard time sorting the pieces right now. Hate? Love? Throw away? Hold on to for dear life?

I do know what is right though. Those things are solid and I appreciate and cherish them so much. Things like the unconditional love of a dog you have had forever. She looks at me and just knows I would never do anything to harm her. My mother and father who have given me the entire world and more. We have been through some rough patches, but right now I am in better standings with my parents (all of them) than I have ever been in my life. I sometimes forget how many people love me so much. That includes my boyfriend. He loves me. He might be the man I marry... and nothing would make me happier. I have a best friend who I would not give up for the world. We met on the weirdest circumstances, but she is literally a no-brainer for me... and I love Megan Hodges to death!

Today I read an email that basically said stop worrying about everything and be happy you are alive. I feel so ungrateful when I get in these moods.

The world isn't always rainbows, but rainbows come in many forms. And mine today is to cover me from the things falling down.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

start of another blog

OK... SO I am starting a new blog. I am keeping this one, and also adding another one. This one, is very special to me, because it is about something important to me. JF (my bf) and I have a very interesting story. We fight some pretty crazy odds every day with our relationship, and I don't mind taking some of my free time to write about it.

here is the link to it... I hope you enjoy!
It's baseball themed ... like our whole danged relationship.

Busy-Quiet Weekend

I have had a busy-quiet weekend.
I will have worked 20 hours by the time today is over, but I have done nothing but work and go home and do nothing. It is nice to do nothing for the weekend considering I have been running like wild for the past couple of days. I literally went back to Joplin, and was out until after midnight every night and then went to Stilly did the same thing, and now I am in Tulsa just relaxing.

Too much "running and gunning" is no good. I'm going to end up having to drive to Joplin tonight and then turn around and drive back to Tulsa on the Thursday for work. Tulsa for work, Joplin for work, THEN SCHOOL STARTS. Then more work, and ahhhh I'm going to lose my mind, oh and I need to be moved out of my apt and all my stuff taken to Claremore before the 31st.

To add more craziness, my dad almost cut his hand off yesterday, and he is now not going to be able to finish my apartment until way later. So I will be living at the house with them. I hope that doesn't make any of us too crazy.

Somewhere in there JF will come back. I'm very happy about that because he will be able to help me out more, and... I literally can not wait to see that big Canadian.

I just want to go here... I honestly hate the sun... and the sand. But I think I would love Tahiti. I will take JF with me because it's in the middle of French Polynesia. haha.

It's an inevitable thing in life, and I am facing a large dose right now, but I'm going to live. I'm going to get through this, and I will be better because of it.