Thursday, September 30, 2010

OK so... headbands...

I love them... They can make anyones hair look better no matter how bad it looks. They have these big flambouyany things on them, and they are awsome. I would like to purchase more on like this one...

or this adorable little thing for a little girl...

I'm starting to wonder if I can get away with something like this? I mean... It is so cute but am I too old? I might be, but most people like the one headband I do have like this... hmmm I think I'm gonna try it out.

Headbands for all!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

finishing a book

Today I finished a book.

It's such a funny thing that happens when you finish it. You close it. look at it for a second, think about it.... and then set it down to lay there and not be read for awhile.

You get this tiny epiphany about everything in the book, and it all comes full circle and it always gives me this satisfied feeling. I absolutely love this feeling. It's the reason why people read.

I love buying books, I love reading my books, I love finishing my books.

Books make me happy and most generally... never let me down... So why do I spend time watching TV. What a mindless activity. Reading makes me feel so much better, and I still choose TV.

I don't think I want a TV in my new apt. I have one... I'm taking it to JF's apartment in Miami. He can have all of it. I don't want nor need a TV.

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Hey la Hey la... my boyfriends back"

Alot has changed since I last wrote.
I cannot wait to see his silly self :)

I am so beyond happy to have my love back into the country. He is also very excited as well. He has missed his life here, and he is also ready to start living by himself again because he has been in his parents house for almost 4 months. After living alone and away, and then being put back in your parents house.

I feel his pain. It is such a difficult think to deal with. You have your freedom and your life the way you want it with your rules, and you move home and they tear down your little piece of sanity with claws and fiery "words of wisdom"... yeah it's awful. I sometimes think I would be happier outside in a tent doing my own thing if we didn't have a driveway monitor and my parents could hear a loud beep every time I came or went.

I recently watched a movie that was really eye-opening, and life changing at the same time. The Duchess- a movie about a lady born into a time where she couldn't change the way things were just because she was a woman. She was pushed into a quiet role... but... She was as loud as she could be and did more than most woman of her time because she was a Duchess. She was forced into a situation where her husband had a mistress that lived with them, and the man she loved and secretly bore a child from was pushed away from her. Not to mention he was a major hottie.

From watching this movie I realized something. I'm never going to put myself in the position to where any man can corner me into doing what he wants to do versus what I know is right for myself. I hope my husband is ready for a fireball, because I will never be unhappy in my life for no reason. Life is too short, and I have seen my parents both so unhappy for no reason. They could have fixed it but they didn't, so I will not be in that position.

I put a picture of her on the background of my computer to always remind myself.... live your life, love who you love, and never waste your time because there will never be enough.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm currently helping JF with his homework. Which means I am doing it. I am going to kill him for making me help him. He isnt here, and his book is here in the states, and I had to do it or it will just be put as zeroes in the gradebook for the Frenchy... no good.

I just wish he could come back! I miss him alot.
He might be home sooner than I thought. Their tournament is ending sooner than expected. That makes me so happy!!!!

and speaking of SOOONER.... they are winning right now! 34-7! BOOMER BABY!
I really want to go to a game this year! That would be fun when JF gets back!

Oh goodness this is a short post. SHOUT OUT to Gana!!! :) Love you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ever have those mornings when you wake up and you don't feel like doing anything.?.

Where do those days come from.?.

I woke up this morning and could positively not do anything. It makes me wonder if I over glorify it in my head and make myself feel worse because I am just tired or lazy, or if I am more sick than I think I am and just make myself try to feel like I can get up because that is what I am supposed to do.

No matter what it is, I feel like crap today.

I don't want to do anything, it is raining and I skipped 3 of 4 classes. I'm happy about the rain because we needed it. But it is such a damper when it rains like this.

Maybe I needed a day off because I am going to be going 100% this week.

30-40 hours at work, and that includes school.

Only a couple more weeks of this.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Proud Moment

Last night someone facebook chatted me bc they needed to talk. No one else they trusted was online, and they said they felt like they could talk to me.

-That makes me feel good.

Knowing that someone I rarely talk to felt like they could turn to me for help in their moment of crisis, is one of the best feelings in the world. It makes me realize how much of a caretaker I really am. I don't want to be a nurse or doctor, but I do want to some how help people in my career path I chose.

-If all the people in North Tulsa would hear that message, maybe they would quit shooting each other. Maybe if the druggies out there would realize there is more to life than getting that high and forgetting everything and everyone who might not want to see them hurt themselves. If all the teenagers could realize they arent as cool as they think they are and love their friends and family no matter how bulletproof they were. And anyone else that is so miserable in thieir life.... would change it to take care of those around them, and know that they would be taken care of...
We could live our lives in fear of this. That makes me sick to my stomache.
I hope this picture strikes a nerve in everyone that sees it.

If every person in the world would set out to live their life... and take care of others... We would not have such horendous things going on.
There's no better time to start then right now.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

mean people suck

I just had someone call me at work and he was so mean with what he said it literally made me cry.

He was so mean he made me cry.

I have never in my life cried on a customer call. I have gotten mad, and yelled at them (never bad) but I have never cried. He was so unbelievably mean. What makes people think that they can do that? Nothing about the way the world works actually says that is ok.

I wish I could just look at it as "F that guy he sucks", but I actually feel sorry for him. I think I am going to say a prayer for him and hope his day or life... whatever it is that fails him to get better. No one should be that completely unhappy to someone they don't know.

I want to go to my happy place... It looks like this.
Yup I wanna go there right now.