Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cheater Cheater

Today I got on the scale and it said I was 147.

GRANTED... all scales are a little different and I probably need to stick to one specific scale to keep track, but... When I was at my grandmas house last Tuesday I got on her scale and it said 160 even. The last time I got on the scale I was on today it said 157... TODAY IT SAID 147!!!!!!!!!

If it is true I am in the 140's :) 140's IS PROGRESS AND I AM SO EXCITED!

All I have done is lower my calorie intake each day, and I'm trying to stay as busy as possible. Like I said in my previous post working out is a different post for a different day. I'm not quite there yet to getting myself in work out mode. I have to unfortunately build up my energy for that crap.


I have made a pact with myself to keep track of all the times I have cheated and to mark them down.

1. I had a medium orange Hi-C from Mcdonalds
on Friday.
2. I ate a crap ton of sunflower seeds and a few chips after 11pm on Wednesday.
3. I had a few chunks of potatoes (6) today covered in butter and deliciousness for lunch today.

Can't think of anything else. Not too bad for my first week!

Food I miss:

I miss Mayonnaise, ice cream, hamburger meat, potatoes, and candy....... and chips..... and.... OK I'll stop now.

If she can do it so can I!!!!!!!!!!!

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