Saturday, December 29, 2012

Alright, so for the update of all updates...

Since my last blog post...

  1. I have not lost a single pound... it's quite the contrary. 
  2. I have finally graduated college. (...after much ado about nothing)
  3. I am very happily settled in a relationship of nearly a year and a half. 
  4. I am living in Dallas, Texas. The experience has been educational... that's all I can say. 
  5. I am supremely happy that I am not married or with child. In no way do I need a rodent/parasite, or a demanding piece of paper with rules. 
  6. I currently have 3 tattoos. 
  7. I currently have 0 friends in Dallas. 
  8. I currently have 10+ books to read. 
  9. I currently have a 22 pound fur child kitty. His name is Fat Max. We agree on... nothing.
  10. The "Red Egg" is still running like a champ, and I plan to drive her until the end of time. (dents and all)
And last but not least... 

As a 23 year old, I never thought I would reach a point in my life where I valued the quiet Saturday evenings.

Being young is a very difficult thing. No one trusts you, you have no credibility, and most of us were completely misinformed. I wish I would have had a high school teacher sit me down and say "Heather, life (college, relationships, money, working, etc.) is extremely hard. You will be poor, most people will never go out of their way to help you with your "problems", and you are merely a drop in the ocean, sweet cheeks". 

I also wish they would have said enjoy your skinny body while you have it. The freshman 15 is no joke... 

But, they didn't and I have learned the hard way... I have become an adult thing.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and magical Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Heather Jo....I agree with Aunt Marsha, you should write a book! I love reading your blogs....keep writing and expressing yourself my dear. You are a special soul--you are your own person and quite frankly I think it's the coolest thing ever. :)

