Monday, January 2, 2012

Admitting it...

Alright... I'll just go ahead and admit it... Not because it is the New Year and time to start on that trail... Not because I want a bikini body by May... OH NO it's because of a horrible picture that makes me look like I have like 12 chins that was taken on Christmas...


I have gained weight.

No matter where it came from, or why it is there... I have gained about 35 pounds since high school graduation in May of 2007.

Weight timeline...

  • 2007 Senior in HIGH SCHOOL- 120lbs

  • 2008 Freshman in College-130lbs

  • 2009 Sophomore in College-135lbs-140lbs

  • 2010 Junior in College-130lbs (WENT ON A MAJOR WORKOUT KICK, looked awesome!

  • 2011 Senior in College-145lbs

  • 2012 Senior in College year 2-155lbs (right now)

This is unacceptable... At this rate I will be 200lbs before I know it and I know for a fact this whole freaking Christmas break I have done nothing but eat and not taken one step towards my gym. So here is my challenge to myself and anyone else who wants to join me...

  1. I want feel comfortable in a bikini by the time Trevor gets out of the army...

  2. I want to get my awesome thighs back.

  3. I want to eat at home more!!!!

  4. I want to stop NEEDING fast food when I get drunk!

  5. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again and stop hiding my body.

  6. I want to get in a better workout routine.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST... I want to be there for anyone else trying to do the same thing I am... Trying to better themselves and trying to feel like a new person in a better shell.

So once again... I'm going to do this... I have a nutrition graduate walking me through it, and I'm also open to help anyone else in any way. If you need to call me in the middle of the night to stop the ice cream scoop PICK UP THE PHONE... TXT ME... SMOKE SIGNALS... whatever... lets do this...

It's game on.

Time to get back to this hottie body :)

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