Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Show your pride

In light of the upcoming holiday...

I have decided to do a post on why I am happy I am an Oklahoman and an American.


When I was in Las Vegas this past spring Break, one of the first questions you asked when you met someone new was "where are you from?". The person would say what state, and then ask me and I would say Oklahoma, and it would start a whirlwind of conversation. They would comment on my accent and ask if I was a Sooner fan, and ask about tornadoes... they knew more about MY state than most of us would ever guess anyone knew about our state. You hear the old "Do you still live in teepee's" question, and accents are normal, but if someone said to me I'm from Iowa, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, California... I really don't give a crap. Your state has to at least be as cool as mine to get noticed. You get every season here, you have lakes, desert area, plains, forests, mountains... everything. The people here are real. You work hard, play harder. Their is big city lights, and small town nights. I have everything I want right here in this state, and though I may leave and go on my adventures other places, I will always come back to my lovely Oklahoma.

I remember, when I went to school in Tonkawa, how excited I would get when I passed over Keystone Lake and started entering into Tulsa. It's a roll the windows down, and turn up the radio kind of moment when you start seeing the big buildings in downtown after you've been on the prairie for a few weeks. I could stop at QuikTrip and get my favorite kind of licorice, and grab a sweet tea, and head through the city. Tulsa is my home and I love it.


Plain and simple... You can get anything you have ever wanted, do anything you can imagine, Enjoy every kind of climate, every kind of landscape, and every type of anything in the world.

America has it all.

We aren't the land of the free, home of the brave for nothing.

Happy Birthday America.

I couldn't be any more happy that I am an American citizen... now maybe we can hurry up and get Obama out of there and fix our deficit.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

teeter totter heart

Why do we love what we know could hurt us?

Because in life there is a chance that anything could hurt us.

I've come to notice recently, that maybe there is beauty in the things we see as messed up. I've started seeing Jeremy again... because I missed him more than words. Other guys had tried to talk to me, they had asked me out, I was being hit on in bars... but no one was him. You learn something about the type of person you need to be with by the way you flirt and play with them. If there is no automatic spark, I have learned... there never will be.

I was out one night with my girlfriends at Bakers Street Pub, and we were sitting there and a guy at another table turned around and started flirting with us, and then singled me out, and he didn't get very far at all because he couldn't joke with me. I was too forceful, too demanding in my presence, and too abrasive for him. He immediately said "ohh she's a feisty one", I proceeded with "fear the red heads, we bite". He didn't like that... turned around, and I laughed at him for being a chicken.

This is how I know I missed Jeremy.

The first time we met, I went and sat next to him and introduced myself, and he said "good for you". He didn't introduce himself... he wasn't trying to impress me, he was being his butt head normal self, and I HAD TO ASK HIM HIS NAME. I don't know what kind of messed up weirdo I am, but that is an immediate turn on to me when a guy ignores me. It's like him saying... " I want you to talk to me but I'm going to start this conversation off really difficult so it can only go up from here, and also, so you know that I'm not going to let you run all over me you crazy girl" There are so many guys that let me just ran all over them, and they just let me and follow me like a puppy, and I don't want... nor need that.

stay tuned... thus far all is well :)

Here are my favorite Quotes of the day

I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it.
Marilyn Monroe

I married a German. Every night I dress up as Poland and he invades me.
Bette Midler

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Inspiration comes from everywhere for me.

I become inspired from the tiniest of things. It astounds me how people walk around everyday and live their lives like the world is a boring place and that nothing good ever happens.

Here are some things that have inspired me this week...

1. Women who are not afraid to be funny and stronger than men.

2. The Center of the Universe in Downtown Tulsa.

3. Angry Birds... don't ask me why.

4. Seeing my old friends more than normal.

5. Sleeping.

6. Adventure seeking.

Inspiration actually started my newest cauldron of craziness...

I've started writing a book.

I know it sounds silly, but I have had some crazy things happen to me in my life. It's basically going to be a collection of funny and crazy stories from my years I have had thus far in college. I will want to remember my first tattoo experience with Amber, and driving hours through the night with Brenna to go to a stupid party with hot guys. I love my life, and I love the experiences I have been through. Even if it never leaves my computer I'm enjoying the writing experience, remembering the good times, and I want to finish it.

I'm aware of the mystery around us, so I write about coincidences, premonitions, emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic.
Isabel Allende

I can promise you that women working together - linked, informed and educated - can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet.


I thought I had it right...


I have got to stop denying my blog! I love it... I just don't think about it out and about in my every day life! OK... I'm making a pact to blog more... No I'm not fibbing this time!

Everything is now (once again) completely different than it was the day that I posted last.

*Same company, different job.... It took a turn and now I'm doing something completely different. Still enjoy it though. :)

*JF and I have began to speak again, and we are actually becoming great friends. I pray his baseball career will take off any day, and he will live out his life long dream.

*School at RSU is back to being awful. I passed. That's all that mattered to me was passing. I don't care how well I did I passed... I hate RSU with a passion and want out of there as soon as humanly possible.

*Jeremy is gone with the wind... he's an amazing person, but right now we can not be together. He taught me so many things about life and love and what one person can and cannot handle. It ended badly. Not all things are beautiful and perky. I learned a huge life lesson. I am getting over him and moving on and I hope he is doing the same, and that he doesn't stare at his phone like I do wishing we could just make it all better.

*Summer is here.

*I'm getting a tan.

*I'm seeing as many friends as possible.
*I'm seeing my friends as often as possible.

*I'm living this summer up.

That's my update, blog.