Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Finding something that makes you happy... what ever it is... is so wonderful.

(unless it's meth or something bad like that....then you suck)

It leaves you wondering if there is ONE thing that truly makes all of us happy.

Out of all the people in the world, we all have continued to prosper on this earth, and we have all procreated and kept the world going somehow. There must be something that is keeping us here and keeping us content that we all have in common. We as a people, as much as we may not want to believe, do have the power to put an end to our race. Stopping teens from popping out kids, and setting off virus bombs would do the trick if we really wanted everyone to die.... so what is it exactly that really makes all of us happy?

For example...

I could say something like cute puppies make everyone happy because they are cute and cuddly. But that isn't entirely true for all people. How someone could not love a puppy is way beyond my knowledge, but some people are allergic, some are afraid, some hate dogs, some prefer cats, some think dogs are ugly. Puppies are not a win win... unfortuantely.

Then there is something like chocolate. People all over the world love chocolate. It can be made into a zillion different types of delectable treats to make the stomache happy. The annual world consumption of cocoa beans averages around 600,000 tons per year. Consumers worldwide spend more than $20 billion a year on chocolate. But not everyone likes chocolate, even I don't like chocolate. I think it is kinda gross actually.

What about marriage? It's for some not for all, however most feel like they have to get married because it will make them "happy" and give them true "happiness". I would like to go with a quote from my dear best friend Amber Buker, "It is extraneous for the state to insert itself into my romantic relationship as a third party to an erroneous contract." Her thoughts are just a pin prick from the leagues of people who are starting to turn to this lifestyle of no marriage. Considering the 50% divorce rate in most states including my own, it might be a good idea. I personally believe most people get more excited about the wedding day than they do about being attached to another person for the rest of their life. Hell I do too... I love weddings, and their open bars.

Maybe there isn't one thing that makes absolutely everyone happy. Maybe the one thing that makes everyone happy is the fact that we all have the potential to be happy and we revel in the happiness we do find.

Never mind, I figured it out... I know what makes everyone happy...

nappy time.

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