Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Finding something that makes you happy... what ever it is... is so wonderful.

(unless it's meth or something bad like that....then you suck)

It leaves you wondering if there is ONE thing that truly makes all of us happy.

Out of all the people in the world, we all have continued to prosper on this earth, and we have all procreated and kept the world going somehow. There must be something that is keeping us here and keeping us content that we all have in common. We as a people, as much as we may not want to believe, do have the power to put an end to our race. Stopping teens from popping out kids, and setting off virus bombs would do the trick if we really wanted everyone to die.... so what is it exactly that really makes all of us happy?

For example...

I could say something like cute puppies make everyone happy because they are cute and cuddly. But that isn't entirely true for all people. How someone could not love a puppy is way beyond my knowledge, but some people are allergic, some are afraid, some hate dogs, some prefer cats, some think dogs are ugly. Puppies are not a win win... unfortuantely.

Then there is something like chocolate. People all over the world love chocolate. It can be made into a zillion different types of delectable treats to make the stomache happy. The annual world consumption of cocoa beans averages around 600,000 tons per year. Consumers worldwide spend more than $20 billion a year on chocolate. But not everyone likes chocolate, even I don't like chocolate. I think it is kinda gross actually.

What about marriage? It's for some not for all, however most feel like they have to get married because it will make them "happy" and give them true "happiness". I would like to go with a quote from my dear best friend Amber Buker, "It is extraneous for the state to insert itself into my romantic relationship as a third party to an erroneous contract." Her thoughts are just a pin prick from the leagues of people who are starting to turn to this lifestyle of no marriage. Considering the 50% divorce rate in most states including my own, it might be a good idea. I personally believe most people get more excited about the wedding day than they do about being attached to another person for the rest of their life. Hell I do too... I love weddings, and their open bars.

Maybe there isn't one thing that makes absolutely everyone happy. Maybe the one thing that makes everyone happy is the fact that we all have the potential to be happy and we revel in the happiness we do find.

Never mind, I figured it out... I know what makes everyone happy...

nappy time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Profound Affects

I met a girl, we were friends for awhile until she became a complete imbecile. She led me to meet two other girls who I became friends with and have great memories with from the Winter of 2010. These girls lead me to a bar where they met a guy that put me in the position to meet a guy and a group of people that changed me forever. Now to this day... I am friends nor acquaintances with not one of them.

Cynical I know, but also truly incredible... How you could learn so much, from give or take 13 people whom you no longer associate with.

This happens every day. It happens all of the time. It's normal actually.

Every tiny thing we do affects the next thing that happens to us or the people and things around us. My current slouching isn't helping my back for the future. Typing this right now is going to affect myself or someone in the future. It could be causing more sleep deprivation that could affect tomorrow in everything I do (future) which could lead to an endless number of things happening which changes everything in the wide world around me.

Recently everything I have done to affect what happens next in my life, has been the best steps I could make. Whether it be Zeus, Jesus above, or something else I don't know of... I have been making "it" very content.

I had an amazing chat on the Fourth of July with my Aunt Netta. She really stressed to me the importance of taking risks and chances in life... making sure I was always following wherever the wild wind blew my unchained heart. I appreciate that conversation with her more than she will probably ever know. I dont ever wanna look back and say... "If I could do that over again, I woulda..." I've been living like I was dying, and divulging in the treasures that make my soul smile.

It made me think of what would be best for me, what would make me truly happy.

True happiness is in the accidents.... it's in the moment... it's laughing your butt off with your pod mate at work over typos her boyfriend sends in his text messages. It's always loving and treating someone you don't know with the highest respect to see them smile, and know you might have helped there day a teensy weensy bit. It's knowing out of a zillion people in someones life they choose you to be one of 4 people standing next to them at their wedding... the supposed most important day of their life... even if they have 12 more important days in their lifetime... :)

I dont ever want to feel any worse than I aleady have a certain times in my short life... but if it is what I have to do to learn the lessons to move me on to other amazing things that will come after that... then so be it... break my heart... beat me down... call me names... but dont think I will stay down forever.

It's impossible.

heres some picture clues to the next few months for me.... If I don't affect anything.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Through my Looking Glass...

I'm currently in and out of a depressive state right now. I hate feeling like I'm not good enough. From now on... If someone makes me feel inferior, I'm going to turn into my fathers daughter and jack some jaws. I'm done with the crap.

My parents can be more childish than I am. I thought we were all supposed to be adults around here? Don't tell me to act like an adult if you're worse than me.

I just read through some of my blog posts... typos... I'm not changing them... I am however going to pay more attention in the future.

I stood up from a chair at a concert today... and my underwear must be some kind of cling fabric, because my dress was stuck to my underwear and they were DEFINITELY showing. Glad I dont get embarassed. Someone laughed, I told 'em it was my swim suit from swimming earlier. It wasn't as cool then.

I'm becoming a man hater for sure. I used to make fun of my friends for being so picky... I currently understand. People lie, people hurt you, and people dont care. Just gotta know when it's suposed to hurt you for a reason, and be thankful for all of life's lessons.

Time for a new tattoo.

Yes, I want another one.

I'm still afraid of babies. If it can not communicate to me what it wants through the English language... get it away from me. I don't have time for crying, it hurts my ears and makes me too want to cry. ALSO... you have to feed them before you can eat... NO WAY JOSE!

live the life you love,

love the life you lead,

lose the life you had,

learn from that life,

and laugh...

laugh as hard as you can,

because life isn't worth living

...without laughter
