Wednesday, August 24, 2011

don't be a fool, get some school

So my classes have begun. All I have to say is...
Why oh Why oh Why do do my classes have to be so time consuming?

College seems like such a waste of time. I feel like I have learned the same things year after year. Each year the assignments just get longer in page length, and more busy work seems to appear. Shouldn't I be doing some actual hands on training instead of reading these stupid text books that only teach you every term in the world to glorify the word "communication"? Professors tell you to get an internship... but how are you supposed to do that, and complete your assignments, and go to class, and maybe have a job, and potentially get to take a shower?

I will complain on my blog and not in real life for the time being because I just don't have the energy or the time to write emails that will never be read to the administration about my ridiculous classes.

I've now been to Seattle/Tacoma, Washington. It's a very peculiar place... but I was in the best of company and I enjoyed it very much. It is definitely not a city for someone who loves living on the prairie. There are a ton of trees and they block your view alot of times. Definitely a good place to visit though. I will give the reason for my trip at a later date. It's going to be very read-worthy. :)

Here is my survival list for this semester:

pink notebook... enough said... keeps me and my shit sane.

headbands... to keep my weave in check when I can't fix it... no time for that!
Adele tunes... haven't heard her?... YOUTUBE NOW!
As the semester progresses I will keep you updated on necessary needs!

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