Monday, March 28, 2011

My poor poor blog has been forgotten for months once again. SHAME ON ME I don't know why I don't post more often. I have the time, I love it, and yeah I am going to try an fix this.

My last post was really depressing for me to read. Alot has changed since the new year has started.

1.) My apartment is finished. I love my little home. I absolutely love spending my time around there doing my Heather things such as dancing and singing to the radio at the top of my lungs, reading one of my zillion books, or just relaxing because I don't have Internet or cable television. It's surprisingly really awesome to not have the normal things other people think they can't live without.

2.) Jean-Francois and myself have gone our separate ways. It was really hard at the time, but necessary. The time came that he couldn't do anything for me, I couldn't do anymore for him, and I was unwilling to continue feeling like I was wasting my life with someone 5 states away with a birth certificate from a foreign and French country. It's amazing how in the middle of things you get without realizing, and then when you try to get out how stuck you feel. We don't hate each other, but whatever was is no longer, and it is completely over. The things two people can say to each other after so many months of caring is just astounding. We broke it and it is unrepairable.

3.) My job is wonderful. I love it, and we are growing! I should be working full time over the summer, and I'll continue to grow with this company as long as I can.

4.) School this semester is so much better than last semester. I finally made some friends, and I don't hate RSU as much as I did. I'm starting to see the light at the end, and I have some serious goals to work towards right now. My 8 week Comm Theory class is eating my breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but... I'll make it through.

5.) I met a new guy. It was too soon, all wrong, and completely ridiculous how it happened... but I wouldn't let go of this man for anything. It makes you realize how silly you were in the past when you meet someone new that tops the others of the past. I have always kinda been the caretaker in a relationship, thinking that was ok and what I was supposed to do. I was wrong.

Jeremy Armbrister has completely turned my opinion around, and made me realize how completely inadequate any other man I have ever met was. He tests me, he takes care of me, and he respects me for being strong and able to take care of myself. He thinks I'm gorgeous, he is constantly astonished by the things I do, and he loves me the way I am.

We are from two different worlds which is fine with me. He can do country, he can do city, he can do anything. He's a great balance for me. He's 26, blond hair, blue/green/gray eyes, linebacker body style, and has cowboy boots :) (I'm throwing this info in, in case my grandma reads it) OH AND TO BE EVEN WORSE... I had a no dating of football players clause in my Heather Constitution... he was an All-State linebacker, and played for a couple of years in college. I feel like this again... HIGH SCHOOL!

Well... I think that's about it... life is tons better than it was.

Hopefully the summer and the rest of this year will turn into a glorious thing. I haven't had a fun summer since I entered college. It's about timeeeeeee.