Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's been a while since I posted, and for good reason.
This semester has been like lighting a chicken on fire and watching it run around, except for I'm the chicken, and I haven't stopped running around for weeks now.

I'm learning why some people never have children, because they are stressful, and my own life is stressful enough as it is. Having JF back in the country is nice, but it was all so stressful on both of us. I'm so ready to have an easy relationship again. Also this was not the semester to try to attempt 18 hours. I have thus far failed miserably at trying to keep up with it all, and the crap that comes along with living in your parents home. They live in their own world unlike mine entirely, and they too stress me out, probably the most.

Through the ups and the downs, I have learned one thing. Life will never stop being hard, so sitting down and hiding and waiting for it to passover with no lightning and thunder will never get you anywhere. Just do what you need to do, and PRAY it will end up OK.

It's all looking more and more up. My apartment is live able, 2nd semester is starting soon, and I have been hired on for real at Trase Miller to help with Southwest Airlines calls :)

Right now I'm planning on the most memorable and best New Years Eve EVER because my last couple have sucked. (thank you ex boyfriends)

So here's to it 2010....I'm already ready for you to be over already, and keep moving forward. BYEEEEE!!!! Let the ball drop!

20 years from now I'll kick myself for saying something like that! I will want my skin back the way it was.